Do you rember this post? Yeah it's the remix of "Nothing Better" by AN21 and Max Vangeli and I have you the first preview of the remix. Max Vangelli played this remix at Club Karma Montreal June 25th, 2010. Look Max who is standing up on the booth, haha! He reminds me Steve Angello! Go Max! xD It will be out soon, early July, on Subliminal Records!
Sorry to say it Brother...but I saw him @ Cameo in Miami Beach and he kinda sucked... and wassup with standing up on the DJ Booth? like you own it?? Steve Angello OWNS IT!!! not this kid.....he's talented but not as much as HE thinks!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThanks for sharing it though :)
Look what Max said abou that: "For some reason as soon as I saw this vid I knew I was going to take some shit for it :) Really do not know what this has to do with Angello, and why you guys are so judgmental about it. And I do apologize if I offended anyone about getting on the speaker, but I get really excited when I play and have been doing it for years.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAs far as the remix going, yes its our new remix we just finished with AN21 and it will be released at the end of July on Morillo's Subliminal Records."